Ask for help
These simple tips will increase how receptive people are to your requests for help. They mainly apply to asking for help from people you know, but some apply to customer-service situations as well. 1. Demonstrate that you've tried to help yourself. People are more inclined to want to help those who've attempted to help themselves first. When asking for help, briefly explain what you've tried independently. That way the person from whom you're requesting help knows you've tried to figure out your problem for yourself before requesting help. ("I tried Googling…"; "I tried restarting my device...") Get to the point fast. Imagine you're giving a bullet point list and be specific. 2. Demonstrate that you've acted on the person's advice previously. It's no fun when you put effort into helping someone and that individual doesn't follow through. People want to help those who they're sure will act on the help or a...